How to Prepare for a Funeral

Cash Kalina
Cash Kalina September 6, 2022

The time leading up to a funeral is rather challenging as loss is a difficult topic to decipher. Hesitations and moments of reflection fill the minds of those who have unfortunately experienced loss. Sometimes a hug can mask the pain, but in some cases that is not enough. Everybody copes differently and acknowledging that is a rather important step in this process. Although there is not one universal answer for how to prepare for a funeral, there are a variety of things you can do.

Reach out to others for support

Talking out your emotions and using loved ones as an outlet is a healthy place to begin. Holding in all of your thoughts and feelings can make the day of the funeral incredibly challenging. Managing your mind alone is an overwhelming experience as a lot of internal reflection accompanies loss. Having a shoulder to cry on or an ear to talk to can make the healing process feel a bit lighter before you attend the funeral. If you feel it is necessary, reach out to a therapist or expert as they can guide you and provide you with beneficial exercises to work through your grief. Remember, it's okay to not be okay.

Make Physical Health a Priority

Your body may experience a great deal of sensations in the time following the loss of a loved one. It is important to be aware of the physical symptoms your body is feeling and the best ways to manage them. Food, fluid, rest, exercise, nourishment, meditation, and self care are essential during this time. Neglecting the messages your body is sending you will only combat the healing process. If taking a walk or lying down is what you need at that moment, do not be afraid to set aside time for the necessary activity. Maybe you need to increase your caloric intake as your appetite has subsided? Could it be that a glass of water may help you to calm your emotions? The necessary response may differ each day, but leading up to the funeral it is crucial that you listen to the messages your body is telling you.

Maintain Mindful Awareness

Detaching from reality can result in numbness. Ignoring any feelings or isolating from loved ones will negatively impact how you manage grief. Reactions over actions become vital to the situation as you cannot control what happened. Instead, you can choose the way you respond to the reality of loss. Feeling these emotions is okay and in fact normal. However, losing your connection to the present and not being in the moment may leave you feeling isolated as well as removed from others. During a time of processing, you do not want to lose connection with your mind, body, and social settings. Connect with those around you and continue to complete self-check-ins to ensure that this detachment does not occur.

Cash Kalina
Written By

Cash Kalina

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